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Smell Flasks

Perfume flasks, 'Field Diary' video projection, cabinet file.

During her residence, for this exhibition, the artist disposed 300 empty perfume bottles to all city residents, inviting them to fill the flasks with a visual representation of
a smell memory.

Shown at Galeria de Arte Casarão,
Viana, Espirito Santo, Brazil.

Photo: Tom Boechat

Smell Flasks was part of the artistic residence: "Mas que arte cabe numa cidade?"
(But, which art fits in a city?)
accomplished by the artist in Viana,
a city in the state of Espírito Santo, Brazil
The installations URU-KU: the forgotten disciplines, Smell Flasks and
Book of Smells composed this project
that is also part of the Diary of Smells series.

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